Food Insecurity

More than 60% of Liberians rely on agriculture for a living, and improving the food and agricultural system could reduce poverty and food insecurity. The Helping Hands Network of Liberia (hehanol) will work to improve food security in Liberia by:

  • Providing school meals to primary school children
  • Providing take-home rations to schoolgirls from poor households
  • Promoting food assistance for assets (FFA) projects
  • Establishing community grain reserves
  • Linking farmers' organizations to markets

Liberia has long struggled with food insecurity due to poverty and inefficiencies in its food and agricultural systems. In 2022, 47% of Liberian households were food insecure, with 39% moderately insecure and 8% severely insecure. The 2023 Global Hunger Index ranks Liberia 117th out of 125 countries, with a score of 32.2, indicating a serious level of hunger